President Fernández Discusses Argentina-China Trade Relations with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng

President Fernández Discusses Argentina-China Trade Relations with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng

October 16, 2023- In a recent tweet from his official Twitter account (@alferdez), President Alberto Fernández engaged in a conversation with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng, focusing on the significant trade links between Argentina and China. The tweet read, “Con el alcalde de Shanghái, Gong Zheng, conversamos sobre los importantes vínculos comerciales entre nuestro país y China. En este sentido, analizamos las actividades del Hub Integral de Argentina en Shanghái, que asiste a PyMEs para ingresar al mercado local.”

President Fernández’s tweet highlights the importance of the commercial ties between Argentina and China. During the conversation with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng, the President specifically discussed and analyzed the activities of the Comprehensive Hub of Argentina in Shanghai. This hub plays a crucial role in assisting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in entering the local market.

The discussion between President Fernández and Mayor Gong Zheng underscores the commitment of both countries to strengthen bilateral trade relations. By assessing the activities of the Comprehensive Hub, Argentina aims to facilitate the entry of its SMEs into the Chinese market, thus fostering economic growth and expanding business opportunities.

The Comprehensive Hub of Argentina in Shanghai serves as a testament to the government’s dedication to supporting local businesses and promoting international trade. By assisting SMEs in accessing the local market, Argentina strives to enhance its economic presence in China and deepen the trade relationship between the two nations.

President Fernández’s engagement with Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng demonstrates Argentina’s proactive approach in exploring avenues for collaboration and furthering trade ties with China. This commitment reflects the government’s focus on expanding economic opportunities and fostering mutually beneficial partnerships. (*)